How to Play the Bubble in Poker Tournaments

Picture of Lexy Gavin-Mather

Lexy Gavin-Mather


How to Play the Bubble in Poker Tournaments
Picture of Lexy Gavin-Mather

Lexy Gavin-Mather


The bubble period in a poker tournament can be either the most exciting or the most stressful part of the game, depending on the size of your chip stack. This stage is called “the bubble” because it’s the point right before players reach the money, and the pressure mounts as everyone tries to avoid elimination. Knowing how to play the bubble effectively is crucial to ensuring you not only survive but thrive after the bubble bursts!

For reference: In a tournament with a starting field of 1,000 players, where 15% of the field is paid, it means that 150 players will be in the money. The bubble stage will start with around 170 players left. In a field of 100 players paying 15%, the bubble will start with around 20 players left.

Let’s dive into strategies for playing the bubble depending on your stack size—whether you’re short, medium, or big stacked.

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Short Stack Strategy (20 BBs or Less)

Playing the bubble with a short stack can be nerve-wracking. The main goal is to survive and make it into the money, but that doesn’t mean you should avoid taking risks entirely. 

The key is to play tight and avoid unnecessary confrontations with big stacks, who are often looking to capitalize on your vulnerability. A lot of people feel like they need to fight back and punish the aggressors, but be patient and wait for the bubble to burst before challenging them.

Key Tips:

  • Shove with Premium Hands: If you’re dealt a strong hand like pocket kings or queens, don’t hesitate to raise or shove. Even if a big stack has already raised, you’re likely ahead of their range since big stacks are playing much wider ranges on bubbles to take advantage of the short and medium stacks. Stick to your fundamentals and don’t be afraid to push with the right cards.
  • Use Push/Fold Charts: Master push/fold strategies to know when it’s profitable to shove your stack based on your hand and big blind depth. Tools like SnapShove are great for this, and practicing these decisions will help you avoid costly mistakes. These charts will show you that it’s okay to make bigger laydowns preflop than you normally would. 
  • Don’t Be Afraid to Stall: Stalling is when you take as much time as possible in every hand, basically waiting for someone else to be eliminated on another table. It can be an effective tactic to help survive, but don’t abuse it. Excessive stalling irritates other players and disrupts the flow of the game. It is understood that short stacks will stall, just don’t take 3 minutes to fold every hand because you may get a penalty.



Let’s say you have 15 BB and are dealt pocket queens. A big stack raises, and although it might feel risky to shove, this is the right move. You’re likely ahead of their range, and even if you’re eliminated, you’re playing the bubble correctly by not being too passive.


Medium Stack Strategy (20-40 BBs)

As a medium stack, you’re in a solid position to make it into the money. You don’t have the intense pressure of the short stacks, but you still need to play smart and avoid unnecessary risks. 

Key Tips:

  • Preserve Your Chips: The bubble isn’t a time for excessive aggression. Play straightforward and aim to preserve your stack. Think of your chips as precious resources, and don’t put them at risk without a good reason.
  • Adjust to Tight Tables: If your table is playing too tight, you can increase your aggression slightly to steal blinds and antes. Many players will be looking to squeak into the money, so you can take advantage of their overly cautious play. You can work on building your stack at a time when your opponents are at their most vulnerable.
  • Post-Flop Play: During the bubble, most players don’t want to see flops, and if they do, they tend to have stronger hands. Be cautious when c-betting, and avoid thin value bets that could reopen the betting. Focus on playing small-ball poker to avoid confrontations.



You have a 30BB stack and raise with Q♠-J♦ from middle position and get called by the button. The flop comes Q♦-8♥-4♣. You should aim more towards checking and pot controlling. Or if you have a flush or straight draw on the flop, you can check back and try to realize your equity and hit your draw. If your draw misses on the turn and your opponent bets, you can comfortably call this bet and potentially hit on the river. This is preferable to putting money in the pot on two streets.

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Big Stack Strategy (40+ BBs)

If you’re fortunate enough to have a big stack during the bubble, this is one of the most exciting times in a tournament. You have the ability to pressure short and medium stacks, chip up easily, and dominate the table.

Key Tips:

  • Apply Maximum Pressure: With a big stack, at tight tables, you can open almost 100% of your hands and bully the table. Most players will be playing cautiously to avoid elimination, giving you the perfect opportunity to steal blinds and antes.
  • Identify & Isolate Bubble Abusers: If you notice another big stack aggressively picking on short stacks, don’t be afraid to 3-bet them light and try either to get them to fold pre-flop, or to outplay them post-flop. These players often have weak ranges and are simply trying to collect dead money.
  • Avoid Big Confrontations: While you should be playing aggressively, don’t get into unnecessary battles with other big stacks. Preserve your chips for post-bubble play and focus on accumulating them from weaker players.



You have a big stack and open A♠-6♣ from middle position. Everyone folds, and you pick up the pot. This may not seem like much, but over time, these small pots will add up and give you a significant advantage when the bubble bursts.

Playing the bubble effectively requires different strategies based on your chip stack. Short stacks need to be patient and look for spots to double up, medium stacks should focus on preserving their chips, and big stacks have the luxury of applying pressure. 

Remember when you’re short-stacked on the bubble just chill, meditate, breathe, and try to remain as calm as possible. The bubble can be a stressful time so just try to relax and understand that sometimes you are going to bust near the bubble. It’s unavoidable, and if you find yourself never bubbling, that probably means you are being too tight, bleeding a lot of chips during this time, and ending up with barely any chips after the bubble bursts.

It will be okay. Being the bubble boy or girl is a rite of passage. Don’t stress about it. There are always more tourneys.

How to Play the Bubble in Poker Tournaments IMage3

The bubble period in a poker tournament can be either the most exciting or the most stressful part of the game, depending on the size of your chip stack. This stage is called “the bubble” because it’s the point right before players reach the money, and the pressure mounts as everyone tries to avoid elimination. Knowing how to play the bubble effectively is crucial to ensuring you not only survive but thrive after the bubble bursts!

For reference: In a tournament with a starting field of 1,000 players, where 15% of the field is paid, it means that 150 players will be in the money. The bubble stage will start with around 170 players left. In a field of 100 players paying 15%, the bubble will start with around 20 players left.

Let’s dive into strategies for playing the bubble depending on your stack size—whether you’re short, medium, or big stacked.

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Short Stack Strategy (20 BBs or Less)

Playing the bubble with a short stack can be nerve-wracking. The main goal is to survive and make it into the money, but that doesn’t mean you should avoid taking risks entirely. 

The key is to play tight and avoid unnecessary confrontations with big stacks, who are often looking to capitalize on your vulnerability. A lot of people feel like they need to fight back and punish the aggressors, but be patient and wait for the bubble to burst before challenging them.

Key Tips:

  • Shove with Premium Hands: If you’re dealt a strong hand like pocket kings or queens, don’t hesitate to raise or shove. Even if a big stack has already raised, you’re likely ahead of their range since big stacks are playing much wider ranges on bubbles to take advantage of the short and medium stacks. Stick to your fundamentals and don’t be afraid to push with the right cards.
  • Use Push/Fold Charts: Master push/fold strategies to know when it’s profitable to shove your stack based on your hand and big blind depth. Tools like SnapShove are great for this, and practicing these decisions will help you avoid costly mistakes. These charts will show you that it’s okay to make bigger laydowns preflop than you normally would. 
  • Don’t Be Afraid to Stall: Stalling is when you take as much time as possible in every hand, basically waiting for someone else to be eliminated on another table. It can be an effective tactic to help survive, but don’t abuse it. Excessive stalling irritates other players and disrupts the flow of the game. It is understood that short stacks will stall, just don’t take 3 minutes to fold every hand because you may get a penalty.



Let’s say you have 15 BB and are dealt pocket queens. A big stack raises, and although it might feel risky to shove, this is the right move. You’re likely ahead of their range, and even if you’re eliminated, you’re playing the bubble correctly by not being too passive.


Medium Stack Strategy (20-40 BBs)

As a medium stack, you’re in a solid position to make it into the money. You don’t have the intense pressure of the short stacks, but you still need to play smart and avoid unnecessary risks. 

Key Tips:

  • Preserve Your Chips: The bubble isn’t a time for excessive aggression. Play straightforward and aim to preserve your stack. Think of your chips as precious resources, and don’t put them at risk without a good reason.
  • Adjust to Tight Tables: If your table is playing too tight, you can increase your aggression slightly to steal blinds and antes. Many players will be looking to squeak into the money, so you can take advantage of their overly cautious play. You can work on building your stack at a time when your opponents are at their most vulnerable.
  • Post-Flop Play: During the bubble, most players don’t want to see flops, and if they do, they tend to have stronger hands. Be cautious when c-betting, and avoid thin value bets that could reopen the betting. Focus on playing small-ball poker to avoid confrontations.



You have a 30BB stack and raise with Q♠-J♦ from middle position and get called by the button. The flop comes Q♦-8♥-4♣. You should aim more towards checking and pot controlling. Or if you have a flush or straight draw on the flop, you can check back and try to realize your equity and hit your draw. If your draw misses on the turn and your opponent bets, you can comfortably call this bet and potentially hit on the river. This is preferable to putting money in the pot on two streets.

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Big Stack Strategy (40+ BBs)

If you’re fortunate enough to have a big stack during the bubble, this is one of the most exciting times in a tournament. You have the ability to pressure short and medium stacks, chip up easily, and dominate the table.

Key Tips:

  • Apply Maximum Pressure: With a big stack, at tight tables, you can open almost 100% of your hands and bully the table. Most players will be playing cautiously to avoid elimination, giving you the perfect opportunity to steal blinds and antes.
  • Identify & Isolate Bubble Abusers: If you notice another big stack aggressively picking on short stacks, don’t be afraid to 3-bet them light and try either to get them to fold pre-flop, or to outplay them post-flop. These players often have weak ranges and are simply trying to collect dead money.
  • Avoid Big Confrontations: While you should be playing aggressively, don’t get into unnecessary battles with other big stacks. Preserve your chips for post-bubble play and focus on accumulating them from weaker players.



You have a big stack and open A♠-6♣ from middle position. Everyone folds, and you pick up the pot. This may not seem like much, but over time, these small pots will add up and give you a significant advantage when the bubble bursts.

Playing the bubble effectively requires different strategies based on your chip stack. Short stacks need to be patient and look for spots to double up, medium stacks should focus on preserving their chips, and big stacks have the luxury of applying pressure. 

Remember when you’re short-stacked on the bubble just chill, meditate, breathe, and try to remain as calm as possible. The bubble can be a stressful time so just try to relax and understand that sometimes you are going to bust near the bubble. It’s unavoidable, and if you find yourself never bubbling, that probably means you are being too tight, bleeding a lot of chips during this time, and ending up with barely any chips after the bubble bursts.

It will be okay. Being the bubble boy or girl is a rite of passage. Don’t stress about it. There are always more tourneys.

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